What I've been up to lately

In addition to screaming into the abyss over [insert latest crisis here], I’ve also been keeping to myself a bit lately…if you can call constant tweeting “keeping to myself.” Lol. To be perfectly honest, I’ve been taking a sort of extended break from writing for any outlets other than my newsletter or even writing scripts. I think I’m in one of those “fallow” periods everyone talks about where you just kinda need to be a sponge and live life and then eventually you’ll feel ready to write something new.

But I have been keeping busy in a few key places…


In December 2021, my sonnet, The Tower, was displayed on the digital screens outside the Theatre For A New Audience at the Polonsky Shakespeare Center in Brooklyn as part of their collaboration with my friends at Saint Flashlight. The special installation, called The Will of the City, featured a mix of poets and playwrights writing sonnets inspired by Shakespeare’s plays. My sonnet was inspired by Julius Caesar, tarot, and climate change. This is my third collaboration with Saint Flashlight.



I returned to Podcast Like It’s 1999 for a new episode all about the Sex & the City sequel series, And Just Like That. It was a fun, hilarious, engaging conversation with Phil Iscove, my friend Carrie Courogen, and myself. You can listen here:


I also recently returned to Exiting Through the 2010s to talk about one of my favorite filmmakers, Kelly Reichardt, and her beautiful 2016 film Certain Women. You can listen to that here:


I have continued to write my pop culture newsletter over on Substack (please subscribe!) and I’m quite proud of a recent piece I wrote on Kim Kardashian, Marilyn Monroe, the Met Gala, and the question of who own’s women’s bodies. It is even more prescient given the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade.

It’s a sad, dark, weird time, but I am grateful for friends, art, and summer bike rides.

Now offering script consultation services

With the pandemic continuing to drag on in the U.S., I’ve seen an uptick in people writing new projects as well as requesting feedback as they work to develop those projects in quarantine. I’ve always enjoyed reading other people’s scripts and helping them shape them, and now I’m officially offering my services as a script consultant!

If you have a pilot, play, or screenplay that needs an extra pair of eyes and another brain, I’d be happy to read it and provide feedback (written and via discussion). I know firsthand how beneficial it is to have someone to bounce ideas off of and give some direction when you feel lost in the process, so I work from both a writer AND actor perspective.

I know many artists are being impacted financially by the pandemic, so I am willing to negotiate rates/fees on a sliding scale.

For more info, please visit the Script Consultation page on my website.

Looking forward to working with you!